Online Homeschool in Illinois

Did you know there are alternatives to homeschooling in Illinois?
Homeschooling in Illinois can give families the freedom they desire to create an education suited for their students. But homeschooling isn’t your only option. A great alternative could be tuition-free* online public school. With Stride K12-powered online public schools, learning still takes place at home, but you’ll have the resources and support of a public school.
How do Stride K12-powered schools and homeschooling in Illinois compare?

Both Stride K12-powered school and homeschooling in Illinois prioritize student success. Students are empowered to take charge of their learning, and parents are actively involved in both settings. Families can maintain the benefits of homeschooling in Illinois, including physical location and personal involvement.
Unlike online homeschool in Illinois, Stride K12-powered online schools provide the curriculum. The Stride K12 curriculum combines engaging online lessons with hands-on learning materials.**Illinois-licensed teachers provide instruction, support, and guidance. Students in each grade level can further their understanding of lesson objectives with activities online and away from the computer.
The structure of public school combined with the convenience of schooling at home serves as a great alternative to homeschooling in Illinois. Stride K12-powered schools adhere to state testing, school accountability, and attendance policies, just as brick-and-mortar schools do, and graduates earn a high school diploma.
Consider the benefits and support of an online program when thinking about how to school at home for your family. Learn more about online public schools to see if a Stride K12-powered education is right for your child.