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We found 4 options
While there are currently no tuition-free option(s) in your area, you can choose from 4 tuition-based option(s) or purchase individual courses.

Find a Stride K12-powered school near me

Grades K-12
Achieve a quality, personalized, private education through our engaging, interactive K12 curriculum and a dedicated, supportive team of teachers and advisors. Tuition-free private school for Arizona students through the Empowerment Scholarship.
- Accelerate your learning with dual enrollment, early college, AP®, and NCAA-approved courses.
- Jump-start your future with career and college prep, including career-focused electives beginning in 6th grade.
- Learn at your pace with year-round start dates enrolling full-time, part-time, and individual courses.

Grades K-12
Are you an independent learner seeking a highly flexible education? With more than 40 years of experience in self-paced distance learning, reach your potential any time, year-round. Tuition-free private school for Arizona students through the Empowerment Scholarship.
- Accelerate your learning with 170+ self-paced courses with multiple levels, including honors and AP®.
- Earn college credits while still in high school with dual enrollment.
- Assure your future—we awarded 771 high school diplomas in 2022, with 99.4% of students reporting college acceptance.

Grades 8-12
Are you a highly motivated learner? Earn a premier, private college preparatory education online and get the tools to excel at top-tier universities. Affiliated with The George Washington University.
- Jump-start your future with one-to-one college counseling and unique dual enrollment opportunities.
- Prepare for life outside the classroom with our Journeys symposium.
- Unlock your future—100% of graduates are accepted to college, from Harvard to UC Berkeley.

Grades K-11
Reach your full potential with an inclusive, engaging curriculum and the tools and guidance to be a successful global citizen. Tuition-free private school for Arizona students through the Empowerment Scholarship.
- Graduate trilingual with our Early World Language Program.
- Get access to seminar-based instruction with a collaborative, discussion-focused approach
- Graduate with your associate's degree with our dual enrollment program.

You can purchase K12 courses to supplement your homeschool curriculum or help your student catch up, get ahead, or explore an interest. These flexible courses are available with part-time and full-time options and with convenient year-round start dates.