Dual Enrollment Courses for High School Students
Earn College Credits While Still in High School
It’s never too early to start thinking about life after high school. And whether you’re heading to college or straight into a career, high school is the time to explore your interests and discover the skills that will set up a successful future. Taking rigorous courses and skill-building electives at a postsecondary level can give high school students an advantage, whether or not they pursue further education. That’s why K12-powered schools offer opportunities for eligible students to earn college credits through dual enrollment options.
How does a dual credit program work?
Dual credit refers to a program where high school students take courses that are taught by high school instructors who have been approved to teach college-level courses. These courses are typically offered in partnership with a college or university, and students receive both high school and college credit for completing them. Dual credit courses are often taken as an addition to regular high school courses and may not have as strict eligibility requirements as dual enrollment.

How does dual enrollment work?
Dual enrollment is a program in which high school students enroll in college-level courses, taught by college instructors, and students receive both high school and college credit for completing them. Dual enrollment courses are often taken as a substitute for high school courses, and students may have to meet specific eligibility requirements to enroll, such as minimum grade point average or placement test scores.
Benefits of Both
Completing college-level coursework in high school can have several benefits for high schoolers. Students enrolled in dual credit classes can:
- Earn both college credit and high school credit for the same coursework
- Save time spent in a postsecondary degree program by completing credit hours in high school
- Save money on a degree program in states where reduced or school-funded tuition is offered*
- Experience college-level coursework and greater academic rigor
- Explore academic and career fields of interest in greater depth to discover their passion
- Complete specialized courses that can provide an early path to a career
How can I learn about my dual enrollment options?
Dual credit opportunities vary by state, by school, and by partnerships with individual colleges and universities. To learn if your school offers dual enrollment opportunities and for full details, including eligibility requirements, contact your school’s administrative office.
Hear from Graduates of K12-Powered Schools
**Madeline is a 2018 graduate of a K12-powered school in Louisiana, and her statement reflects her experience at her school.
†Tyler is a 2019 graduate of a K12-powered school in Ohio, and his statement reflects his experience at his school.
*Dual-credit opportunities vary by school; please check with your school directly for information on tuition and availability.