Insights – K12 Online Learning Programs Thu, 02 Nov 2023 01:37:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Insights – K12 32 32 Stride Career Prep: Workspace Organization Is Important Thu, 18 May 2023 19:59:22 +0000 Keeping A Clean And Organized Workspace Is Essential For Student Clarity And Focus

 By Paola Rodriguez, Stride Student Advisor

As an online student, my workspace can vary greatly by arrangement and even location. It can range from my favorite local coffee shop to the spare desk in my dad’s office. Wherever that workspace may be, what’s important about it is that it is conducive to getting the day’s assignments done. And, when it comes to my student workspace, I always make sure of one thing… to keep the space itself organized!

I find that having clear organization in my study area helps me to thrive. It’s easier to collect my thoughts and manage the tasks at hand. Now, you might be thinking, “my workspace is far from organized and I’m doing just fine.” Well, I have a challenge for you… organize your desk, or whichever area you’re using to work, and see the difference for yourself. I guarantee you’ll see your natural procrastination level decrease, because there’s nothing to distract you, and you will have a way easier time getting into a clear state of mind to get to work. 

If you’re worried about not having fancy folders or filing drawers to keep materials organized within your workspace, don’t feel limited! All you really need is a clean and clear space, somewhere to collect your thoughts, do your actual work, and get (and keep) your brain going!

Now, let’s talk about some of the benefits of staying organized, as a student, whether you attend classes online or in-person. When I first started online school, I was SUPER organized, and I always had everything intact. As time went on, it became something I cared less and less about, but my workspace never felt right as the situation devolved. There would be hair ties and books and a million things unrelated to school that would distract me all over my desk. One day, I was sitting in in front of my computer screen, procrastinating about a paper, and I thought to myself “let’s get organized.” So, I gathered everything that was not essential and moved it away from my workspace. I still left a few personal touches, like a photo of my best friend and a vase of my favorite flowers. But, I found that those couple of things made the space my own, yet it wasn’t an overly distracting display. Ever since then, my space has been a place where I can easily get to work.

Of course, every so often my student workspace needs a little refresher, but when it’s nice and organized it’s the most efficient.

I encourage you to try this method out and see the difference for yourself. You can choose from some of my tips and tricks to get organized, or even just do whatever makes you feel organized, personally. Try the minimalist method I recommend above, where you simply clear out everything from your work area that isn’t essential, and see if that provides you some clarity along your educational journey. You never know what a new habit can do for you until you try it.

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Career Prep: How To Stay Active As An Online Student Wed, 17 May 2023 18:45:08 +0000 Physical Activity Is Important For A Student’s Overall Health And Wellbeing

By Kyan Pious, Stride Student Advisor

As an online student, you might think that you must be glued to your desk all day. I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to be! Today, we’re going to talk about some ways that I, and some of my friends, stay active… even though we’re virtual students.

Let’s start with me. I’m very passionate about my fitness and overall health. I find it very easy to find the willpower to go to the gym, or get any kind of intentional movement in, during the day. This can vary from walking, swimming, biking, hiking, or even grocery shopping. I know grocery shopping might not seem like exercise, but you must get up and walk around the store, so it is an activity. I think it’s very important to get active in some way, because physical health is important. 

That’s enough about me. Now, let’s talk about one of my friends, who I will not name, but he’s a great example of someone who gets enough activity to be considered a healthy individual. I met up with him at a trampoline park, and while I was attempting flips and performing speed runs on the obstacle courses, he was jumping on trampolines and failing the obstacle courses. After we were done having fun, we had a conversation about my athletic ability. I told him about all the activities I fit into my days, and he was impressed with the level that I maintain. I told him I was proud of him, too!


Because he showed up, even though he can’t do what I can do. He still tried the obstacle courses, and I was very proud of him for that boldness and courage.

I have more stories where I am encouraging others, and others are encouraging me, to get active. I told this one specifically because I felt like this story could be the most relatable. You don’t have to go to the gym for three hours a day just to get active and to stay healthy. And, it doesn’t have to suck; it can be fun to get active!

For example, a daily walk is more than enough to keep you healthy for years to come. Walking is also great for your heart health and your mental health. I like to go for a walk any time schoolwork gets stressful, or if I just need to clear my mind. I also get a lot of my creative project ideas from walking. And, I inspired my friend to start incorporating a walk once a week into his routine, as well.

If I could have my pick, I would much rather hit the gym and practice my gymnastics skills, like handstands and muscle-ups. I also like to go for long-distance runs and lift heavy weights. Even though that’s what I like, you don’t have to go to the gym. I recommend it, but any intentional movement you can get in is enough.

And, even though I do get a lot of activity through weightlifting and runs, I still make time for a daily walk. That’s how good it is for you! It can help to clear your mind and keep your heart healthy. In addition, a good walk can be as long as you like.

I hope this inspires you to get outside, get active, and make it fun… however you see fit!

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Career Prep: How To Get The Most Out Of Your Online Classes Wed, 17 May 2023 18:40:26 +0000 Attending School Online Has Unique Challenges And Benefits For Students

By Michael Montee, Student Advisor

As an online student, who transitioned from a traditional school setting, getting the most out of your online classes is crucial. Not only will it provide benefits for the future, but it will also teach you to stay organized and follow a daily routine. There is nothing like having the freedom to choose your schedule and work at your own pace. If you are an outsider looking in, or if you are originally from a brick-and-mortar school, I welcome you to read this blog!

First, let me just say that online school is hard. It takes a lot more effort to learn the material on your own, in a virtual setting, than in a traditional on-site setting. Before I started with K12, I was used to the repetitive schedule of waking up, listening to lectures, completing homework, and then going to sleep. As I entered my junior year with K12, I realized I had to focus with constant distractions all around me. It took some time to adjust, but I eventually got the hang of it. Although learning to tune out distractions is an important skill, which you will learn throughout high school, I believe that getting the most out of your classes is the greatest step before completing a K12 education.

In general, there are many ways to fully reap the benefits of your online classes. One option is to participate in meetings and help labs, when your teachers host them. Not only will you learn more about a particular subject by attending, but you will also be showing your teachers that you care to participate and contribute to a successful school year. Another option could be to handwrite notes, as you follow along with lesson plans. There are countless times when I forgot to take notes, simply because I became so engaged with the lecture. I recommend setting aside some time, after going through a lesson, to jot down a few ideas… and, at least, get the main ideas down. It is unlikely that you will be able to use your notes during a test, so I suggest studying a full day before the test is due.

Lastly, do not be afraid to take part in additional learning opportunities in online school. I cannot express this enough. I missed out on awesome learning opportunities during my junior year, all because I was afraid to venture into the unknown. Many of these opportunities take place in the form of internships, extra credit assignments, and/or certifications, among others. K12 offers a host of resources to help students decide how to take their education to the next level. By getting the most out of your online classes, you are setting yourself up for a world of wonderful and progressive opportunities, regardless of your desired pathway. If you put your best effort into every obstacle that comes your way, I do not doubt that you will succeed. I hope you have a prosperous educational journey!

Be sure to also check out A First Semester Survival Guide For Online High School Students!

And, to read more about attending an online school, be sure to visit What I Learned From Doing Online School For 10 Years.

K12 also has an article to help students new to online high school, so make sure you read 5 Tips For New Online High School Students, too!

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Career Prep: Tips For Tracking Progress Toward Your Goals Tue, 16 May 2023 20:59:07 +0000 Having Goals With An Active Plan For Tracking Progress Can Lead To Terrific Results

By Cassandra Taylor, Stride Student Advisor

Being an online student means it is especially important to stay organized and to practice learning on your own. It can also mean learning where you want to go after high school, what you want to do with the next stage of your life, and decide how you’re going to do it. But, it also means that you get to feel more independent, proud of yourself, and you get to discover how to personally create realistic goals.

I’ve been with a K12-powered school for about two and a half years now, and it’s different from a brick-and-mortar school. You learn to be more independent, and you learn how to focus and do things on your own, like making goals. Once you have a goal, you should consider a few things… Is it a long-term or short-term goal? Is it truly practical/doable? How do you plan on making it happen?

Now, some things are part of the goal planning process, which is exactly why I have some tips.

Once you think of a goal you might like to strive toward, for example maybe you want to get into your dream college and have an acceptance letter before the last day of high school, then the first thing you want to do is create a plan. Think of what you need to do to make this goal happen.

Let’s say the steps for the above goal are achieving all A’s, having perfect attendance, having a clean and precise resume, and joining three clubs. Now, you should just complete the things that you can do right away, like join those clubs and fix your resume, and do the work towards that perfect attendance and straight A’s in a progression.

Finally, here’s how you keep track of those goals and your overall progress. Once a week, at the end of the week, check your grades and think about whether you attended every class and actively took part in it, or not. If that seems like too much of an investment of time, or even if you’re just confident that you don’t need to check that often, then do it at least once a month. All you need to do is keep track of your grades, attendance, be active in those clubs, and update your resume.

Keeping track of your progress is just a matter of planning, sticking to it, and checking that progress every chance you get (or at a scheduled pace that is realistic for you, as an individual). You can even write down the dates you checked your progress in various categories, and then record how you were doing on that day. Whatever helps YOU the most, because in the end, it’s your goal.

Curious about How To Figure Out What Career You Want? Then be sure you click the link for the article!

To read more about attending an online school, make sure to check out What I Learned From Doing Online School For 10 Years.

Stride also has an article to help students new to online high school, so you may want to read 5 Tips For New Online High School Students, too!

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Career Prep: Steps For A Successful Job Interview Tue, 16 May 2023 20:57:12 +0000 Job Interviews Don’t Have To Be A Stressful Experience

By Riley Melvin, Stride Student Advisor

Fear, worry, panic! These are just some of the words people use to describe their feelings around a job interview. But, not to worry. With a few simple steps, people new to launching their careers can become good at interviewing for jobs, both in-person and within a virtual platform.

To help provide a place to begin, below I’ve listed a few basic steps to help students do well in their first job interviews…

Step 1: Maintain a sense of confidence during your job interview.

This may seem fairly simple, but if you don’t have a strong sense of confidence when going into an interview, you may come across as nervous. And, if you sense within yourself that you are projecting nervousness to the interviewer, your thoughts can quickly spiral. A great way to gain confidence is by writing down everything at which you are naturally good. Then, you read over this list to prepare. This will help to give yourself a boost in confidence, not only for interviews, but for other aspects of your life.

Step 2: Make sure you are properly prepared for your job interview.

Another great tip for acing an interview is to prepare in advance. A way that you can prepare for an interview is by looking up commonly asked questions, such as… “What are your strengths?” or “What are your weaknesses?” … and then you practice the answers beforehand, so that you are not caught off guard. A second way that you can prepare is by thinking of as many possible positive answers that you can give the interviewer. This will help show that you are a positive worker with good traits/habits. And, a third way you can prepare is by practicing the actual act of interviewing with someone you know; practice in-person or over an online video service. This will help you to become more familiar with the format of an interview and feel comfortable during the process.

Step 3: Dress appropriately for the job interview.

A very important part of your interview is your personal dress and grooming. When choosing what to wear for an interview, make sure that you choose something appropriate for the job opening. This can be more formal or casual attire. It really depends on the role. By choosing proper clothing, the interviewer will be able to see that you are a professional worker that they should have within their company ranks.

Step 4: Be sure to bring a current copy of your resume with you to the job interview.

When going into a job interview, you should always make sure that you have a current, accurate resume with you. Some good things to have listed within your resume include your references, your past experiences in the field, your positive traits, and any certifications that you have received.

Step 5: Make sure your tone of voice, speech habits, and wording reflect your professionalism in the job interview.

Speech is an important part of your interview, as it shows how you, as a person, address others and show respect towards your superiors. A way that you can display good speech is by talking in an appropriate tone and volume. Another thing you should be sure of, when speaking to an interviewer, is to speak clearly and to not stumble over your words. This will ensure that the interviewer can properly hear you and not mistake what you have said.

Taking into consideration, and practicing, these steps will help you to become excellent at job interviews… and to leave a positive impression for every interview you choose to attend.

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Career Prep: Workspace Organization Is Important Mon, 15 May 2023 20:55:58 +0000 Keeping A Clean And Organized Workspace Is Essential For Student Clarity And Focus

 By Paola Rodriguez, Student Advisor

As an online student, my workspace can vary greatly by arrangement and even location. It can range from my favorite local coffee shop to the spare desk in my dad’s office. Wherever that workspace may be, what’s important about it is that it is conducive to getting the day’s assignments done. And, when it comes to my student workspace, I always make sure of one thing… to keep the space itself organized!

I find that having clear organization in my study area helps me to thrive. It’s easier to collect my thoughts and manage the tasks at hand. Now, you might be thinking, “my workspace is far from organized and I’m doing just fine.” Well, I have a challenge for you… organize your desk, or whichever area you’re using to work, and see the difference for yourself. I guarantee you’ll see your natural procrastination level decrease, because there’s nothing to distract you, and you will have a way easier time getting into a clear state of mind to get to work. 


If you’re worried about not having fancy folders or filing drawers to keep materials organized within your workspace, don’t feel limited! All you really need is a clean and clear space, somewhere to collect your thoughts, do your actual work, and get (and keep) your brain going!

Now, let’s talk about some of the benefits of staying organized, as a student, whether you attend classes online or in-person. When I first started online school, I was SUPER organized, and I always had everything intact. As time went on, it became something I cared less and less about, but my workspace never felt right as the situation devolved. There would be hair ties and books and a million things unrelated to school that would distract me all over my desk. One day, I was sitting in in front of my computer screen, procrastinating about a paper, and I thought to myself “let’s get organized.” So, I gathered everything that was not essential and moved it away from my workspace. I still left a few personal touches, like a photo of my best friend and a vase of my favorite flowers. But, I found that those couple of things made the space my own, yet it wasn’t an overly distracting display. Ever since then, my space has been a place where I can easily get to work.

Of course, every so often my student workspace needs a little refresher, but when it’s nice and organized it’s the most efficient.

I encourage you to try this method out and see the difference for yourself. You can choose from some of my tips and tricks to get organized, or even just do whatever makes you feel organized, personally. Try the minimalist method I recommend above, where you simply clear out everything from your work area that isn’t essential, and see if that provides you some clarity along your educational journey. You never know what a new habit can do for you until you try it.

Discover how another Student Advisor got organized and motivated… and earned 5 Certifications In 2 Semesters!

To read more about attending an online school, be sure to check out What I Learned From Doing Online School For 10 Years.

K12 also has an article to help students new to online high school, so make sure you read 5 Tips For New Online High School Students, too!

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Career & College Prep: Tips To Improve Your Focus In Online School Fri, 21 Oct 2022 18:46:00 +0000 Maintaining Your Focus As An Online Student Requires Different Methods

 By Maggie Torres, Student Advisor

Distractions are everywhere. In a brick-and-mortar school, the distractions may be your phone or your friends. Perhaps the distraction is as simple as the clock on the wall. But, for students at an online school, the distractions are doubled. They can quite literally seem to be everywhere.

From personal experiences, I know that it can be tempting to go on your phone or to watch television, as an online student. That’s why I am going to give you some helpful tips and tricks for staying focused, during you time as a student at an online school. 

The first tip I’d recommend is to have a designated spot for your schooling. For me, having a designated spot for work gets me motivated, and it really lets me keep focus on the task at hand. My next suggestion is to make sure your school space stays clean. For a maximalist, like me, this is very hard. I enjoy having a million different pens, plants, and candles on my desk. But, at the end of the day, having every square of your workspace filled up can lead to distraction. The best way to keep your desk clean is to make sure you have all the supplies necessary for the day, then add your choice of minimal decorations.

The next piece of advice is to have a pre-determined schedule. It doesn’t have to be on a big calendar. It can be on an index note or a sticky note, as long as it is visible and keeps you on task and on time. I, personally, like to have all my assignments done by 3pm each weekday. This allows me to separate my actual life from school life. And, having deadlines has kept me on track throughout the day. I know it may seem odd that a schedule can give me that powerful of a focus, but give it a shot! It may just help you.

My last tip is a big one… turn off your phone. I know being at an online school, socialization is one of the most important things. But, your friends will be there after class. Trust me, I fell into a bad habit of being on my phone during class, and I got so distracted that I didn’t feel like I was learning anything! You can set timers on your phone as another option, or if you’re strong enough, just turn the phone off all together. It really is better that way. Personally, I like to keep my phone on the other side of the room, where I can’t easily grab it. This helps me forget that it’s there, and it helps me to naturally focus more on schoolwork.

I certainly can’t give advice for everyone, so I’ll leave you with this… recognize your own worst distractions. Once you know where your weak spots are, then you can test out different methods to eliminate them.

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